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June 2023
Bits and Pieces
- This is Your Last Issue!
- Ostrom to Pay $3.4 Million
- Westchester Mushroom Company
- Peasant’s Parcel
- Forage Mushroom Farm
- Windy City Mushroom
- Eden Towers
- Hazel Dell Mushrooms
- Mushroom Council – Allrecipes
- Fable
- Rhyze Mushrooms
- Maia Farms
- Golden Oyster Escapes
- Haw River Mushrooms
Psilocybin Update
Tech Notes: End of An Era
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia,
May 2023
Bits and Pieces
- Tupu
- Checkers & Rally’s
- Auth African Mushroom Shortage
- Rally for Greenwood Workers
- Gather New Haven
- Canyon Creek Mushrooms
- Highline Mushrooms
- Chirinda Farm
- Mushroom Kits
- Hyline Foods
- Ellijay Mushrooms
- Aqua Cultured Foods
- Fun Guy Farm
- AEM FArms
- Mitrofresh
- West Coast Mushroom Farm
- Midnight Harvest
- Woodland Mushrooms
- ‘Smallhold
- Tianrong Mushroom Eco-Garden
- Rhone Island Mushroom Co.
- Ndaka Mushrooms
- Full Circle Mushrooms
Recent Research
- Treating Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Reishi Toxicity
- Brown Rot in King Oysters
- Adding Value to Spent Mushroom Substrate
- Listeria and Salmonella on Wood Ear and Enoki
- Therapeutic Potential of Shiitake
Mushrooms in Hawaii
Tech Notes: Starting Small Part 2
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia,
April 2023
Bits and Pieces
- Morels
- Greenwood Mushrooms Sunnyside
- Mountain Meadow Mushrooms
- Southern Brothers Farms
- Monte Plod Mushroom Farm
- Long Beach Mushrooms
- Wingstem Farms
- MycoLogic New Zealand
- Rhyze Mushrooms
- BB’s Mushrooms
- Setas Mushrooms
- China Supporting Pacific Islands
- Shiitake in Jammu and Kashmir
- Fungal Focus
- The Hope Farm
- New Earth Fungi
- 3rd Kingdom Mushrooms
- Amanita muscaria Gummies
- Davey Farm
- European Prices Rise
- Fraud Warning
- Sylvatica Forest Farm
Psilocybin in Oregon
Tech Notes: Starting Small and Expanding
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia,
March 2023
Bits and Pieces
- California Terra Garden
- Collar City & Tivoli Mushrooms
- New Australian Farm
- Myca Farms
- Black Forest Mushrooms
- Heartland Organics
- Adapt AgTech
- Smallholder in New York
- Heartland Organics (2)
- First Person
- Reconnected Farms
- Guided by Mushrooms
- Lion’s Mane Effect on the Brain
- Yorkshire Mushroom Emporium
- Spent Substrate Fish Food
- Windmill Acquires Ostrom
- $133 Million for LAMP
Research in Europe
Produce Prescriptions
Tech Notes: The Single Bag Method for Magic Mushroom Explosion!
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia,
February 2023
Bits and Pieces
- Chaga Farmers
- Windy Heights Farm
- MycoLogic
- New Zealand Fungal Famine
- Penn Farm Show Winners
- Ostrom Mushroom Farm
- Help with Good Ag Practices
- Four Star Mushroom
- Haw River Mushrooms
- Guided by Mushrooms
- Mushrooms in Zimbabwe
- ZephyrGills Farm
- South Mill Champs
- Seven Dead at Mushroom Farms
- USDA Announces Grant Program
- Ugly Barn Farm
- USDA Publishes Organic Rule
- Woodside Mushrooms
- Westside Mushies
Pleurotus t-regium in Nigeria
Psilocybin Update
Tech Notes: Process for Making Spawn and Full Spectrum Medicinal Products
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
January 2023
Bits and Pieces
- Eco-Agaric Uganda
- Mycionics Gains Harvester Tech
- Chanmar’s Humble Mushrooms
- Shroom House Busted
- West Coast Mushrooms
- Below Farm
- Mushroom Security
- Bourbon Shrooms
- Regional Food Business Centers
- Cropsmarts
- Mycelium Floats
- Mighty Mushrooms
- Bihar Leads India
- Collar City Mushrooms
- North Spore Mushrooms
- Hedgehog Foods
- Butler Farms
- Reconnected Farms
- MyCo Planet
- Happy Caps Mushroom Farm
- MycoWorks
- Wolfe Family Farms
- Ecovative and Lambert Spawn
- Leena’s Mushroom Farm
- Mushroom Education in Cambodia
- Fabulous Fungi
- Hard Times in Malta
- Kahmir’s Mushroom King
- Mushroom/Hemp Gummies
Psilocybin in Oregon
Trends for 2023
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
December 2022
Bits and Pieces
- Consumers Cut Dining Out
- MycoSymbiotics
- Smallhold
- Maungatapere Mushrooms
- Monterey Mushrooms
- Joyberry Farms
- Champonter Cooperative Society
- Bulla Park Mushrooms
- Hyphal Knot
- Current Kickstarter Projects
- Mother Earth Mushrooms
- Collar City Mushrooms
GIAHS – Globally Important Agricultual Heritage Systems
Election Updates – Psilocybin
Tech Notes: Shelf Life of Fresh Mushrooms
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
November 2022
Bits and Pieces
- Mushrooms and Flapjacks
- Parkvale Mushrooms
- Te Mata Mushrooms
- Farm to Families Immersion Lab
- SporeShore Mushrooms
- Blended Burger Winners
- AMI Changes Its Name
- Changes at Unicorn Bags
- Psilocybin in Oregon
- Manx Gourmet Mushroom Farm
- Peat Mushrooms
- Myco Planet
- Mycelium Insulated Panels
- MushRush
- Mushrooms and Beer
- Woodland Jewel Mushrooms
- Horsewell
- Red Light Holland – MiniChamp
- Eclo
- Rachael Ray Meal Kit
- Puposky Pearl
- SanydyCreek Farm
- Fungi Freights
Tech Notes: Updates from Dr. John
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
October 2022
Bits and Pieces
- Ostrom Mushrooms
- Eko Agro Biotech
- Mushroom FPO in India
- Boreal Woods Mushroom Farm
- Cost Issues in Belgium
- Denny Mushrooms
- Mattituck Mushrooms
- Mushrooms Naturally
- Mother Made
- Mushrooms By The Sea
- One World Micro Echo Farm
- NanBop Farm
- Eastwell Farms
- Smallhold
- Golden Gills
- The Mushroomery
- Big Foot Farms
- Lamastra Farms
- EntreSetas
- The Mushroom Guys
- Farm to People Mushroom Panel
- Manx Gourmet
- Mushrooms Ecuador
- Hedgehog
- Big Farm in Bijie
- Host Defense Packaging
- Real Mushrooms
- Fungi on Your Plate
- Te Meta Mushrooms
- Phorid Fly Research
Ontario Greenhouse Vegetable Growers and Highline
Mushroom Machine Company
U.S. Mushroom Report
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
September 2022
Bits and Pieces
- Tivoli Mushrooms
- Maiwase Farm
- Chanmar and Sylvan Mushrooms
- Farmmi
- South Mill Champs
- Mushrooms and Depression
- Agaricus blazei
- New York Mushroom Company
- E.B. Fungi
- Ostrom Mushroom Farm
- Eastwell FArms
- Mother Mushrooms
- Mile High Mushrooms
- Camping Cookbook
- Gamechanger Mushroom Machine
Mushroom Products
Tech Notes: Fresh Air and CO2 Systems
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
August 2022
Bits and Pieces
- Solano Mushrooms
- Death in Boiler Explosion
- Luxury Mushrooms
- Organic Produce Summit
- Urban Valley
- Shri Shyam Mushroom Farm
- Smallhold
- Adapt
- Five Fungi
- GIC Champignon
- Oregon Psilocybin
- President Visits Mushroom Farm
- Mushrooms in Jammu-Kashmir
- Mushroom Street Art
- Mushroom Park Ltd.
- Misty Meadow Mushrooms
- Meati
- MycoWorks
- Whidbey Herbal
- FDA Psilocybin Trial
- King Oysters Recalled
- Frayme Mylo
India on the Cusp
U.S. Mushroom Update
Tech Notes: Liquid Inoculation
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
July 2022
Bits and Pieces
- Mother Earth
- Eko Agro Biotech
- Sempera Organics
- Hazel Dell and MycoCosm
- Flyway Family Farm
- Fungi Fresh Farms
- Optimi Health Corp.
- Woods & Weiland Farm
- Joel Orchard
- Fruit of the Fingi
- Mycolove Farm ad Umbo
- Red Light Holland
- Ostrom Mushroom Farm
- River Valley Ranch
- Highline Mushrooms
- Programs Help Tanzania Grower
- Rebecca Farms
- Chinova Bioworks
- Agritech Ramp-Up
- Best Growing Kits
- Mushroom Leather
- Enchanted Mountain Mushrooms
- YoBro Farms
- Martha’s Vineyard Mycological
Problems with Taxes
Tech Notes: Preventing Contamination Part 2
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
June 2022
Bits and Pieces
- Urban Mushroom
- Smallhold Expands Again
- Tripura Mushroom Farm
- Mariaville Mushroom Men
- UK Growers Waste Mushrooms
- Codd Mushrooms
- Flush with Mush
- Farm Destroyed in Flood
- Mycelium Wisdom
- Four Star Mushrooms
- Hanging Clay Pots
- Bulla Park Mushrooms
- Reishi Breakthrough
- North America vs Europe
- Penn State Helps Malawi Grower
- Scenic Rim Mushrooms
- Jersey Mike’s Portabella Sub
- Fiddlehead Knob
- Truffle Whisperer
Morel Update
Tech Notes: Preventing Contamination
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
May 2022
Bits and Pieces
- Growers Giving Up in India
- Delfresh and H.Q.
- Harte Peat Ordered to Stop
- Tlush Family Farm
- Kumar Farm
- Sempera Organics
- Kevin Donovan Retires
- Farm Fresh Recall
- Canada Supports Mushrooms
- Bewilder
- Psanctuary
- Red Light Holland
- Ming Xiang Enoki REcalled
- Long Beach Mushrooms
- Extraterrestrial Fungi
- Leena’s Mushroom Farm
- Compost Plant to Get New Life
- At a Farmers Market
- Konger Agritech
- Good Vibes Fungi
- Morels in China
- Empire Medicinals
- Full Circle Mushrooms
- SporeAttic
- Expo Pavillion Sold
- Farmbox Foods
- Illawarra Mushrooms
- Randhara Mushroom Farm
- Sandia Farms
- PA Ag Secretary Visits To-Jo
- Kroger Restaurant Supply
- Boulder Mushroom
- Mushroom Fashion
- Ukraine Update
Preparing for Legal Psilocybin
Inflation Mushrooms, and Pets
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
April 2022
Bits and Pieces
- TechBrew Robotics
- Food that Fuels Pennsylvania
- A Mushroom Project
- Juncao for Tanzania
- Mushrooms in Germany
- Fungus Farm Colorado
- Fat Moon Mushrooms
- Khadka Mushrooms
- The Functional Mushroom
- Desert Moon Mushrooms
- Ballarat Mushroom Farm
- MyForest Foods
- Highline Mushrooms
- Far Land Fungi
- Mushroom Spirits Distillery
- Chesed Farms
- Hearts of Harvest Farm
- Mushroom Color Atlas
- Golden State Papayas
- Irish Peat
- Buyk Ceases Operations
The Situation in Ukraine
Business Email Compromise
Tech Notes: The Future of Mushroom Farming
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
March 2022
Bits and Pieces
- Hernshaw Farms
- Australian Research Project
- Future of Food
- Basciani Foods
- Ganie Farm
- Flat 12 Mushrooms
- Cabisuculan Mushroom Growers
- Cactus Hat Mushrooms
- Below Farm
- Westside Mushies
- SOA Mushroom Labs
- Southern Truffles
- Wyoming Mushroom Farm
- Nottingham Vertical Farm
- Bulla Park Mushrooms
- Nigerian Mushroom Growers
- Rwanda Looks Toward Experts
- Ostrom Mushroom Farm
- Monterey Perspective
- Monterey Mushroom Powders
- PA Mushroom Company
Mushroom Robotics Research
Tech Notes: Cultivating Morels
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
February 2022
Bits and Pieces
- Al-Amal
- Whitecrest Mushrooms
- Kroger Trends
- Sanagi Agri Tourism Farm
- Psilocybin Regulation
- Informational Videos
- Gribb Farm
- Matt’s Mushroom Farm
- Big Block Mushroom Workshop
- The Omicron Wave
- Mercedes Uses Mushrooms
- Texas Fungus
- Mushroom Farm
- South Mill Champs
- Flavor Country Farms
- Peat in Ireland
- Water Filtering Membrane
- Ingredient of the Year
- From Tea to Mushrooms
- Mushrooms in S. Africa
- Vedanta Mushroom FArm
- Indian Women Grow Mushrooms
- Socia Media in China
- Township Punts Odors to State
- MycoTechnology
Recent Research
- Tuber indicum Content
- Wood Ear Drink
- Remediating Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH)
- Mushrooms on the Moon
- Medicinal Mushrooms
- Mushrooms and Tomatoes
- Oysters Eat Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS)
- White Oysters are a Great Source of Prebiotics
- Light and Nutrients
- Food as a Substrate Supplement
Online Grocery Stores
Using the Trends
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Heredia, and Perth
January 2022
Bits and Pieces
- Ostrom Gets Rebate
- Rhyze Mushrooms
- Foggy Dew Fungi
- Bavarian Mushroom Exchange
- Cactus Hat Mushrooms
- Parwan Valley Mushrooms
- South Mill Champs
- Segura and Sons Mushroom Farm
- Watanabe Farm
- Mushrooms and Rubber Trees
- Rebecca Farms
- Secondary Products in India
- Pennsylvania Farm Show
- Flemish Growers Have Issues
- Field and Forest Products
- Smithy Mushrooms
- Alexander Valley Truffle Co.
- Margate Mushroom Project
- Forest Fungi
- Mushrooms in Hubei Province
- Cascadia Mushrooms
- Cycloponics
- Swampy Appleseed Mushrooms
- La Champignon Urbain
- Desert Moon Mushrooms
- Mushrooms in Bhutan
- J B Capital
- Nigerian Growers Want Help
- SPUN Gets Donation
- Fat Moon Farm
- Mo’ Shrooms
- AUGA Group
- Lou Legumes
- Frieda’s Forecasts
USDA Programs
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Kiev, and Perth
December 2021
Bits and Pieces
- Nammex Grows Turkey Tail
- Oyster City
- Mushroom Porridge Flour
- Ellijay Mushrooms
- Bluejay Meadows Farm
- Odisha Mushrooms
- ALL CAPS Gourmet Mushrooms
- McGill Mycelium Project
- Ugly Barn Farm
- Mushroom Pickers Needed
- Labor Issues in France
- The AMI View
- A Smallhold Cookbook
- Hi-Fi Mycology
- Farm for Mamakating?
- Hearty Growers
- Slow Fungi
- Waitrose Farm
- Foggy Dew Fungi
- Peaceful Harvest
- The Mushroom Farm
- Maharishi Vashist Mushrooms
- Petrichor Mushrooms
- Beechwold Farm Market
- Sporeshore
- What the Fungus
- Mushroom Council Members
- Cardile Mushrooms
- The Colorado Mushroom Farm
- Psilocybin and Alcoholism
USDA Grants Awarded
Tech Notes: Growing Beefsteak
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Kiev, and Perth
November 2021
Bits and Pieces
- New Cordyceps sinensis Drug
- SA Mushrooms
- Mushrooms in Rural India
- Virginia Farms
- New Hope Farmacy
- Mushroom Culture Thriving?
- R&R Cultivation
- ECLO Farm
- Spore and Seed
- Amritava
- Whitecrest Mushrooms
- Country Mushrooms
- Westside Mushies
- Ozark Forest Mushrooms
- Oakfield Champignons
- Optimi Health
- Fritz Creek Fungi
- Jashore Mushrooms
- Peaceful Harvest
- Grassroots Ag Co-op
- Fungi Perfecti Drink Mixes
- Southwest Mushrooms
- Fungal Meat
- What the Fungus
- Findlay’s Fungus
- Hyphae Wellness
Mushrooms and Depression
New USDA Insurance
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Kiev, and Perth
October 2021
Bits and Pieces
- New USDA Funding
- Hearty Growers
- Sacred Mushroom Conference
- Mushroom Stores
- Peat in Northern Ireland
- Acadian Exotic Mushrooms
- Philippine Training Hub
- Mushroom Time-Lapse
- Orchard Farm
- Mycionics Robot Picker Update
- Expo 2020 Dubai
- Baluzo Farm
- Hazen International
- Flying Saucer Farm
- Woody Bags
- Champignons Charlevoix
- Mushroom Holler
- Enoki Recall
- Zazu Mushroom Farm for Sale
- Guided By Mushrooms
Straw and Hay Fires
Tech Notes: Temperature Control
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv, and Perth
September 2021
Bits and Pieces
- Shiitake Creek Mushrooms
- Mahagro India
- Leafcutter Farms
- AlbionStreet Farm
- Mushroom World
- Dunk’s Mushrooms
- Mother Earth Organic
- Prudent Organic Farms
- Back to the Roots
- Fable Foods Raises Funds
- Midwest Mushrooms – Tiny Tinks
- What the Fungus
- Green Box Mushrooms
- Wollumbin Gourmet Mushrooms
- Byron Gourmet Mushorroms
- Two River Gourmet Mushrooms
- Greenwood Farm
- High Country Fungi
- Zoe Eco Farm
- Shiitake Creek (2)
- Ways Mills Agroforestry
- Mycionics
- Technology Support in Cebu
- Sundown Mushrooms
- Garryhinch Wood
- Walsh Mushrooms
- Three Ontario Farms
- Summer Green
- Kendall Hills
- Fresh and Tasty
- Mushroom Hill
- Monterey and Phillips
- Pantry food
- Mushroom-Cannabis Products
- Crude Oil Biodegradation
- Costa Monarto
ISMS eCongress
Logs to NYC Project
Funds for Certification
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv, and Perth
August 2021
Bits and Pieces
- Khyber Mushrooms
- Yeboah Farm
- Myco Mushrooms
- Ozark Forest Mushrooms
- Fungi Farm
- Fat Top Farm
- Automated Picker
- Meati Foods
- Ernessi Farms
- Silo Wellness
- Peasant’s Parcel
- Bucolic Kailash
- Stropharia Mushroom Farm
- Another Fungi Farm
- Oahu Gourmet Mushrooms
- Sugar Moon Mushrooms
- Mushroom Pie
- Z Farms
- Grandview Farm
- Flat 12
- Gillis Naturals
- Unearthed Co. Mushrooms
- Tiger Mushroom Farms
- Primordia Mushroom Farm
- Boomers Farm
- Mighty Cap Mushrooms
- The Mushroom Guys
- Walsh Mushrooms
- New Hope Farmacy
Tech Notes: Using Jars for Cultivation
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv, and Perth
July 2021
Bits and Pieces
- Four Star Mushrooms
- Immigration Reform
- VL’s Urban Farm
- Mushroom Recalls
- Ceres Solutions
- Garryhinch Wood
- Our Lady of Mepkin Abbey
- Broshrooms
- Stay Wyld Organics
- The HighBrid Lab
- Intermountain Gourmet
- Fungy Fungus
- Far West Fungi
- Coonfresh Mushrooms
- Netherlands Mushroom Pavilion
- Humble Roots
- Nutritional Psychiatry
- Fungi Holler
- Hernshaw Farms
- Aishii Family Shiitake
- Rich Life Farm and Fungi
Irish Mushroom Sector
Urban Mutualism Revisited
Tech Notes: Trends and Magics
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv, and Perth
June 2021
Bits and Pieces
- Prospect Meadow Farm
- Winn-Dixie vs EMMC
- Jupiter Ridge Farm
- Collar City Mushrooms
- Two River Mushroom Company
- Tropical Mushrooms
- MushBarn
- Basement Mushroom Farm
- Canbud Distribution
- E90 Ghana Limited
- Middle Georgia Mushroom
- Kroger Seeks Local Suppliers
- Exotix Organicum
- MUMshroom Chips
- Lone Star Mushrooms
- USDA Grants Available
- Capstone Mushrooms
- Green Thumb Farm
- Garden State Mushrooms
- Urban Mutualism
- Fat Moon Mushrooms
- Hequan Mushroom Co-op
Labor and Mushroom Availability
Farms Support Vaccination
At the Farmers Markets
Prostate Cancer
Tech Notes: Blenders and Air Conditioners
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv, Kiev, and Perth
May 2021
Bits and Pieces
- New Australian Growers
- Evermore Mushroom Farm
- C.P. Yeatman and Sons
- Fungi Fashion
- Bangladeshiu Grower Does Well
- Flourish Farm
- AMI Gets Grant
- AFA Says U.S. Favors Meat
- Red Light Holland + Happy Caps
- Tropical Mushrooms
- New Grant Funding
- What S. African Growers Say
- USDA to Buy Produce
- New England Wild Edibles
- Enoki Recalled
- Hertu Investment
- Central Valley Mushrooms
- SporeAttic
- Four Star Mushrooms
- Petrichor Mushrooms
- Morel Researech
- Big Mushroom Farm in a Bog
- Ceres Solutions
- Noki Farms
Moving Past COVID
Atlast Raises $40 Million
Tech Notes: Temperature and CO2 Control
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv, Kiev, Guadalajara and Monterrey
April 2021
Bits and Pieces
- COVID Vaccinations
- Mushroom Jerky
- Boulder Mushroom Gets Grant
- Mushroom Events
- Circular Farm
- New Harvest Tech for Highline
- AUGA Group
- Mushroom Maggie’s Farm
- Two River Mushrooms
- Saiful Islam’s Farm
- Morels in India
- Gano Mushroom Farm
- Fars Serve Minneapolis/St. Paul
- Afghan Mushrooms
- Optimi Health
- Hernshaw Farms
- Ruto Farm
- MycoWorks
- Ten Mile Mushrooms
- Gaia Mushroom Supplements
- NetZero Mycelium Orbs
- Hearty Growers
- Mountain View Mushrooms
- Upcycled Mushrooms
- Pandemic Assistance
- Four Star Mushrooms
TechBrew Robotic Picker
At the Farmers Markets
Tech Notes: Morel Mushrooms
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv, Guadalajara and Monterrey
March 2021
Bits and Pieces
- Midwest Mushrooms Apprentice
- Pietro Industries
- Mushrooms at Home in Japan
- Out of the Dark Mushrooms
- Irish Threat to Mushroom Growers
- AMI Studies Carbon Sequestration
- Mycopolitan Mushrooms
- Central Valley Mushrooms
- Mushrooms for Sustainability
- Trichoderma aggressivum
- Madarch – The Mushroom Garden
- Organic Produce
- Swadeshi Mushroom
- Hi-Fi- Mycology
- New Packaging Option
- Mushroom Kits
- Ohau Gourmet Mushrooms
- New Portabella Sub
- Tuber magnatum Pico
- Texas Fungus
- Monterey Mushrooms
- Cycloponics
- Jensen Farms
- Collar City Mushrooms
- Small Kine Farm
- Aale’s Mushroom Farm
Mushroom Supplements
Psilocybin Grows in Jamaica
Tech Notes: Medicinal Mushrooms
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv,and Perth
February 2021
Bits and Pieces
- Dr. Alice Chen
- Mushroom Sales Growth
- Pennsylvania Farm Show
- Ehave
- Monterey Mushrooms
- Hunts Point Workers Strike
- P.G. Joshy
- Gogoi Mushroom Tea
- EarthShare Farms
- Rakesh Sharma Mushrooms
- Lottr. App
- ASDA Pushes Vegan Meat
- South Mill Acquires Processor
- Oakfield Champignons
- Farmers to Families Round 5
- Contain Inc.
- Way of Will
- Zhejiang Forest Food
- CAPS by Cookies
- Meijer Wants Local Products
- Organic Sales Growing Fast
- Attacking Phorid Flies
- Shipping Container Farm
Trends for 2021
Sprouted Farmers Market Survey
Irish Mushrooms
Recent Research
- Reishi Extracts
- Mushrooms and Health
- Mushrooms and Health II
- Mushrooms and Brain Cancer
- Better Oysters
- Shipping Shiitake
- Wasps Save Shiitake
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Monterrey, and Perth
January 2021
Bits and Pieces
- Bulk to Packaged
- Fun-gal Farms
- Fungal Meat
- Lee Mei-long
- Vertical Farming in Ireland
- Why Ireland Lacks Workers
- Nearby Naturals
- Flora and Fungi
- Illegal Mushrooms
- Mushrooms for Indian Free Lunch
- Kigali Farms
- Hawk Meadow Farm
- Erie Shore Seed and Spore
- Full Circle Fungi
- Kilmarnock Mushroom Farm
- Palumbo Foods
- Funj. Shrooming
- Leep Foods
- Ground Breaking Mushrooms
- HK Wong
- SporeAttic
Kroger Food Predictions
Tech Notes: Boilers
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, and Perth
December 2020
Bits and Pieces
- Mother Earth
- Hawaii Conference
- Skagit Gourmet Mushrooms
- Southwest Mushrooms
- B.S. Mushrooms
- Emmanuel-Grace Agricultural Institute
- Smallhold
- Smithy Mushrooms
- Monterey Holiday Cookbook
- Funagata Mushrooms
- Wanjiku Mushroom Farm
- Restaurant Situation
- Cheekee Greens
- First Generation Farms
- South Mill Champs
- Li-Sun Exotic Mushrooms
- MycoTechnology, Inc.
- More Training in India
- Districhamp
- Growing in the Philippines
- India’s Mushroom Sector
- Farms Charged
- South Texas Mushrooms
- Konger Agritech
- Jensen Farms
- Negros Island Mushrooms
Psilocybin Developments
Psilocybin Relieves Depression
MycoWorks Reishi Product
Increasing Worker Productivity
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv, and Perth
November 2020
Bits and Pieces
- Robot Mushroom Picker
- Mushrooms Etc.
- Dalit Singh Mushrooms
- Schofield Mushrooms Farm
- Butte Remediation
- Shroomery
- Urban Farm-It
- Leep Foods and Grow-NY
- Freezing Mushrooms
- Wingstem Farms
- Green Stream and Aoki Group
- Costa Attacks Levy
- Hazel Hill Farm
- Redberrytree Farm
- Willow Creek Mushrooms
- Mycoterra Farm
- TicTok and Grand River
- Evocative Bacon
- Tr’ondëk Hwëch’ Farm
- Check Weight Scales
- Cerebelly
- Laird Superfood
- Dr. Nutrition 360
- Psilocybin
- Farmers Markets
- Catonsville, Maryland
- Shelter Island, New York
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Whole Foods Forecast
Fresh Mushroom Tracker
Tech Notes: Strain Development
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv, and Perth
October 2020
Bits and Pieces
- Sanib Mushroom Farm
- Monterey Presents Scholarships.
- Mario Basciani Passes
- Trubenieki Farm
- CFAP-2
- Fungi Ally
- Gin Gin Gourmet Mushrooms
- Eco Natural Integrated Farm
- Farmers to Families Food Box
- King Oyster Mushrooms
- FarmBox Foods
- Mushroom City
- South Carolina Mushrooms
- Nature Lion Mushrooms
- Reconnected Farms
- Cardile Mushrooms
- HaaShrooms
- Rudy’s Exotic Mushrooms
- North Coast Robot Farm
- Nigerian Mushroom Promotion
- Ballarat Mushroom Farm
- Hi-Fi Mycology
- Bula Mushrooms
- Reilly Mushrooms
Unicorn Patents Bags
U.S. Mushroom Report 2020
Tech Notes: Liquid Inoculation
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv, and Perth
September 2020
Bits and Pieces
- Blackberry Heaven & Frondosa Farms
- Themar Al Emarat
- Mushrooms Fight Poverty
- Walsh Mushrooms
- Basciani Farms
- Gulf Mushrooms
- Red Fox Farms Fungi
- Morels and Russula
- Son and Skye Mushrooms
- California Mushrooms
- Les 400 Pieds de Champignon
- Windy City Mushrooms
- Foronda’s Mushroom Farm
- Te Mata Mushroom Company
- Mushroom Maggie
- Sustainability
- Mushrooms and Skin Care
- Fable Food
- Windermere Mushroom Farm
- Manorama Singh
COVID and the Food Chain
COVID and Mushrooms
Recent Research
Tech Notes: Aloha Medicinal Mushroom Polysaccharide Analytical Test Method (AMI/PS.02.3 – July 2020)
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Lviv, and Perth
August 2020
Bits and Pieces
- Ravine Mushroom Farm
- Mushroom Spirits Distillery
- Peaceful Harvest Mushrooms
- Mushrooms in Tanzania
- Mushrooms in India
- Grand Prairie Mushrooms
- Monterey to Pay $1.2 Million
- BeefyGreen
- Capstone Mushroom
- The Mushroom Guys
- Australian Labor Firm Penalized
- G’s Fresh LTD
- Davao Jewel Mushroom
- Mile High Fungi
- Canton Mushroom Works
- Sustainable Produce Container
- Woodland Valley Mushrooms
- Mountain Valley Mushrooms
- Ora’s Farm
- Leena’s Mushrooms
- Hernshaw Farms
- South Mill Champs
Canadian Mushroom Survey
COVID-19 Behavior
Tech Notes: Medicinal Mushrooms and Polysaccharide Analysis
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, and Lviv
July 2020
Bits and Pieces
- Aloha Medicinals
- Oregon Trail Mushrooms
- COVID-19 in Kennett Square
- New Farm in New Zealand?
- Mushroom Queens
- Flyway Family Farm
- Magical Mushroom
- COVID Slows Workers to Canada
- Troy Waterfront Farmers Market
- Highline Mushrooms
- Hernshaw Farms
- Mushrooms in Jammu/Kashmir
- Forest Moon Fungi
- Joy Box
- ‘Ōpala Foods
- Colorado Mushroom Farm
- Rotterzwam
- Smallhold
- Farm That Sells Dreams
- Zhejiang Forest Food
- LifeBiotic
- Fable Food Company
- Growing Market Share
- Little Acre Gourmet Mushrooms
Recent Research
- Effectiveness of current hygiene practices on minimization of Listeria monocytogenes in different mushroom production‐related environments
- Preliminary study on Se-enriched Lentinula edodes mycelium as a proposal of new feed additive in selenium deficiency
- Green application and toxic risk of used diaper and food waste as growth substitute for sustainable cultivation of oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus)
- Effect of Different Pretreatments on the Development of OysterMushroom Powder and its Utilization in Cookies Formulation
- Effect of Different Culture Media, Grain Sources and Alternate Substrates on the Mycelial Growth of Pleurotus eryngii and Pleurotus ostreatus
StarkFresh – Fun Guy Farm
Coronavirus Assistance Program
Tech Notes: Growing and Marketing Reishi Profitably – Part II
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Perth, Kiev, and Lviv
June 2020
Bits and Pieces
- Amycel Settles Patent Lawsuit
- Colorado Mushroom Farm
- Monterrey Mushrooms
- Canadian Growers Face Losses
- Carleton and Farmers’ Fresh
- Newfoundland Gourmet
- Bridgetown Mushrooms
- Highline Mushrooms
- Mariaville Mushroom Men
- Killbuck Valley Mushrooms
- Creswell Farms
- Blues Best Mushrooms
- Myco Mushrooms
- What the Fungus
- Ohio Valley Mushrooms
- Baltic Champignons
- Sporeshift
- Rainforest and PACA
- Full Circle Mushrooms
- Medicinal Mushrooms
- Coronavirus Affects India
- Ballarat Mushroom Farm
- Shiitake Mama Sings
- Daeheung Farm
- Chesed Farms
- Mycelia Organics
- Mushrooms.nyc
- Gansu Qingzangyuan
- Primordia Mushroom Farm
- Irish COVID-19 Guidelines
Anahit Therapeutics
Morel Mushrooms From the Forest to the Farm
Tech Notes: Growing and Marketing Reishi Profitably – Part II
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Kiev, Guadalahra, and Monterrey
May 2020
Bits and Pieces
- Mushrooms-Cider-Hazelnuts
- Profitable Delivery
- Store Sales Soar
- Southwest Mushrooms
- Catawba Mushroom Partners
- Caputo & Guest
- Texas Fungus
- Smoky Mountain and Lott Farm
- Sno Valley Mushrooms
- Primordia Mushroom Farm
- Nam Xanh Farm
- Carleton Mushroom Farms
- Open Minded Organics
- Maggie’s Farm
- Smallhold
- Mushroom Materials
- W&T Mushrooms
- Vitruvian Farm
Distribution Models
Tech Notes: Substrate Considerations
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Perth, Guadalahra, and Monterrey
April 2020
Bits and Pieces
- Mushrooms in Bangladesh
Women Transforming India
Growen Food
PLNT Burger
Hillside Mushrooms
Pradhan Farm
Om Mushroom Superfood
Le Champignon de Bruxelles
The Bay Mushrooms
Tiger Mushroom Farm
Happy Mountain Mushrooms
Two River Gourmet Mushrooms
Nghia Nhan Mushroom Farm
Midnight Harvest
Wandering Winds Farm
Kin Yan Agrotech
South Mill Champs
Ekeobong Daniel
Top Immune Boosters
Fantastic Fungi: The Magic Beneath Us
Coronavirus Response
New Ad Campaign
Tech Notes: Scalpels and Scalpel Techniques
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Perth, Kiev, and Monterrey
March 2020
Bits and Pieces
- Kwai Makes Money in Tibet
- Leena’s Mushrooms
- Death at Monterey
- Amycel Sues
- Mushrooms Selling Fast
- Mushrooms Replace Cars
- Mitrofresh Eryngii Farm
- Mississippi Mushrooms
- Food Theater
- Two River Mushroom Company
- Makanda Mushroom Festival
- Seacoast Mushrooms
- Mumma’s Mushrooms
- Floral Waste to Oysters
Mushrooms in California
Tech Notes: Vendors
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, HongKong, Johannesburg, Guadalajara, and Monterrey
February 2020
Bits and Pieces
- Maa Mangala Seed & Production
- Shoshoni Eco-Farm
- Heartwood Mushrooms
- Australian Wildfires
- West Virginia to Help Vets
- Four Star Mushrooms
- The Mushroom Company
- Signature Mushrooms
- Ecovative Design
- South Mill Champs
- New Leaf Grown
- Frieda’s Specialty Produce
- J-M Farms
- Woodland Valley Mushrooms
- Maggie’s Mushroom Farm
- The Taste of Tasmania
- Promotion Needed in Nigeria
- Robson Valley Gourmet
- Te Mata Mushrooms
- Forest Mushrooms
- Smithy Mushrooms
- Shroom Powder Chocolate
Record Mushroom Sales
What’s Your Sign?
Corn Husks for Oysters
Tech Notes: Autoclaves Part II Vacuum Breaking
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, Kiev, Lviv, Johannesburg, Perth, Guadalajara, and Monterrey
January 2020
Bits and Pieces
Growers Association of Kenya
AUGA Group Mushrooms
In City Farms
Mushrooms in Udhampur
Philly Port Sandwich
Value Added in India
Monterey Madisonville
Will Valley Mushrooms
Mushrooms for Colds and Flu
E90 Ghana Ltd.
Ugly Barn Farm
JM Farms Expanding
No Ka ‘Oi Mushrooms
A&L Hammer Workforce
Dunn Mushroom Farm
Green Box Mushrooms
Highline Fined $90,000(CAN)
Monterey Settles
Oak Hill Cafe and Farm
Shroomdome Mushrooms
More Mushrooms on Pizza
Superfood Hot Chocolate
Processing Plant in India
Expanding Shiitake in China
Factoids from China
Tech Notes: Autoclaves Part I
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, Kiev, Lviv, Johannesburg, Perth, Guadalajara, and Monterrey
December 2019
Bits and Pieces
- Mushrooms in Nepal
- EJ Mushrooms
- Stablefield Mushrooms
- RiverBend Mushroom Co.
- Mushrooms for Peace
- Warren Earns Award
- The Gables Gate
- New England Wild Edibles
- Mohammed’s Mushrooms
- The Fungus Federation NZ
- Mama Mushroom
- Costa Spreyton and Queensland
- Tsumagoi Farm
- The Growing Pavillion
- Mavil’s House of Mushrooms
- Guangyue Mushroom Farm
- To-Jo at Wawa
- Organic Mushroom Powders
Animals to Mushrooms
Farm Workforce Modernization Act
The Gamechanger™
The Cost of Sexual Harassment and Discrimination
Tech Notes: Isolating and Verifying Cultures
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, Kiev, Lviv, Johannesburg, Perth, and Hong King
November 2019
Bits and Pieces
Far West Fungi
J&M Gourmet Mushrooms
Liberty and Apalachee Farms
Innovative Ag Colorado
Bella Springs Mushroom Farm
Sandhills Growers Association
Baarda Farm
Deep Root Mushroom Farm
Bluff City Fungi
Malama Mushrooms
South Mill Champs
The Mushroom Farmacy
Ohau Gourmet Mushrooms
Salazar Mushroom Farm
What the Fungus
Red Fox Farms Fungi
Guided By Mushrooms
Mushrooms in Hengqu
New Cocoa Elixer
Flourish Mushroom Labs
B.Good Turkey Mushroom Burger
Unreasonable Impact Program
Mushrooms and Health
Cooperative China
Fancy Fungi Gourmet Mushrooms
Natural Log Shiitake in Bhutan
Banken Champignon
Mindful Mushrooms
Worker Shortage in Canada
Tech Notes: Proofing Cultures for Purity
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, Kiev, Lviv, Johannesburg, Perth, and Hong King
October 2019
Bits and Pieces
Mountaintop Mushrooms
River Valley Ranch
Gruger Family Fungi
Midnight Harvest & Moongarden
Sahu Awarded
Costa Group
Kuru Mushroom Farm
FreshCap Mushrooms
Jensen Farms
Hidden Valley Mushroom Farm
Fantastic Fungi
Dayora Oyster Mushrooms
Pilzhof Nettetal
Retail Mushroom Market
Mother Earth Organic Mushrooms
Middle Earth Mushrooms
Mushrooms Naturally
Rooster Dirt Farm
Gourmet Mushrooms of Mudgee
Nature Green
Tas Valley Mushrooms
Monterey Mushrooms
Fungi Freights
J&M Gourmet Mushrooms
Accelerate2030 and Ekofungi
Australian Piece Rates
Farm to Farm Tours
Tech Notes: Culture Replication and Long-term Storage Part 2
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Montreal, Toronto, Kiev, Lviv, Johannesburg, Heredia, Perth, and Hong King
December 2013
Bits and Pieces
- Training Opportunities
- Hood River Organics
- Malta Farm Closed
- Prisoners Produce Mushrooms
- Buckeye Mushroom Farm
- Meadow Mushrooms NZ
- Bountiful Mushrooms
- California Farm Update
- Hokuto Expands in Malaysia
- Master Gardener of Mushrooms
- Spain Farm
- Mushroom Council Appointments
- WV State University Gets Grant
- Farming Fungi – Mousam Valley
- Fungivore Mushrooms<.li>
- Fungi and Parkinson’s Disease
- New Year in Kennett Square
- Mushroom Oil Filter
Eddy Farm Shiitake Cornell/UVM SARE Grant
Mushroom Spore Dispersal
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Canada, Mexico, and Poland
November 2013
Bits and Pieces
- SA Mushrooms
- PACKH2O Defeats Tiny House
- Back to the Roots
- Merry Mushroom Farm
- Oley Valley Mushroom Farm
- My Quality Mushroom Farm
- Annaghmore Mushrooms
- Brantford Mushroom Farm
- River Valley Kitchens
- Rakhra Farm for Sale
- Mountaintop Mushrooms
- Mushroom City Project
- Greenwood Mushroom Odors
- Farm to Table
- W&T Mushroom Ltd.
- Indian Farmer Awarded
- Mushrooms in Rwanda
- Basciani Mushroom Farms
- Rocky Mountain Mushrooms
- Monaghan Mushrooms
Recent Patents
California Mushroom Farm Woes
Carolina Grown
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Canada, Mexico, and Poland
October 2013
Bits and Pieces
- Iran 6th Largest Producer
- River Valley and Prairie Grass Cafe
- Kai’s Cultured Mushrooms
- Kigali Farms
- Deep Woods Mushrooms
- Tetri Kudi Mushrooms
- Beegle Farm
- Ecovative Mushroom Insulation
- Hardscrabble Enterprises
- Tangled Roots and Green Heron
Equating Supply and Demand
Food Safety and Modernization Act
Mushrooms in India
Research Notes
- Oyster Mushrooms Eat Plastic Bags
- Local Food Preferred
- Mushrooms Help Antibiotics
- Cotton Seed Hull in Substrate Mixes for Oyster Mushrooms<.li>
- Mahua Cake Supplement for Pleurotus sajor caju
- Antrodia cinnamomea Grown on Oats Has Stronger Antioxidant Properties
- How Button Mushrooms Grow
- Dietary Fiber
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Canada, France, Mexico, and Poland
September 2013
Bits and Pieces
- Bio-Fungi
- Oyster Island Mushrooms
- Big Mushroom in N Korea
- Joe’s Farm in Fiji
- Special Dinner Events
- Most Yunnan Mushrooms Wild
- Oysters and Coffee in England
- Oyster Kits for India
- Ichimasa Agrotechnology
- Wood Pellets for Ireland
- Freshmore Trademarked
- Fallout in Japan
- Milky Mushroom in India
- Cincinnati Mushroom Farm
- Gumdale Mushroom Farm
- Bulich Mushroom Farm
- Lawai Valley Mushrooms
- Mushrooms and Health Summit
U.S. Mushroom Report
Research Notes
- Shiitake Stipes vs Caps
- Fungal Bioluminescence
- Flavoring Meat with Shiitake
- Oyster Antioxidants
- Liquid Oyster Spawn
- Shimeji Fights Leukemia
- Chaga for Allergies
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Canada, France, Mexico, and Poland
August 2013
Bits and Pieces
- G. Lucid Nut Brown Ale
- Stamets in the News
- May Farm
- Taiwan Farms Damaged
- New Compost Technology
- Clark’s Mushrooms Closing
- New Carpati Farm
- Margin’s Mushroom Farm
- Posong Mushroom Farm
- Lawai Valley Mushrooms
- Supongmeren Mushroom Farm
- Iran Opens Mushroom Bank
- Night Time Farmers’ Markets
- Mushroom Magic Trademark
- Fungus Cultivating Device
- Grow it Yourself Movement
- Stellar Gourmet Mushrooms
- Tetri Kudo Mushrooms
- White Oak Pastures
- Hamakua Heritage Farm
- New Hampshire Mushroom Co.
- Jovana Farm
- Mushrooms in Malawi
- Income Rises in India
Mushroom Council Promotions
AMGA Oromotions
Korean King Mushrooms
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Canada, France, Mexico, and Poland
July 2013
Bits and Pieces
- Cascadia Mushrooms
- Immigration Reform
- Green Edge Gardens
- Mepkin Abbey
- Australian Farm Proposed
- The Corner Spore
- Trimly Farm to Close
- China Dumping Mushrooms
- M-Plan Diet
- Local Choice Produce Market
- GCI Partners with Aloha
- The Biospheric Project
- Brown Mushrooms are Popular
- Georgia Truffles
- Spawn in Ghana
New Products
Mushrooms at the U of Arizona
Korean King Mushrooms
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Canada, France, Mexico, and Poland
June 2013
Bits and Pieces
- Eddy Farm Gets Grant
- Positive Press via Tiny Farm
- Compost for Gardens
- Greenwood Odors
- Mushrooms Favored Over Goats
- Adelaide Fined
- Mountaintop Hosts Governor
- Swap It or Top It
- Cpoint = DLV Plant Mushrooms
- Mushrooms on Fox
- C. striatus vs Pancreatic Cancer
- Starting Shiitake Logs
- WV Mushroom Workshops
- Robertson Volunteers for Council
Mercola on Mushrooms
New Research from PLoS ONE
- Antitumor Activity of Pleurotus abalonus
- Malaria Mosquitos Attracted to Fatal Fungus
- Overproduction in Pleurotus ostreatus
- Anti-inflammatory Activity of Lentinan
- Sequencing of Volvarella volvacea
- Anti-tumor Effects of Ganoderma lucidum
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Canada, France, Mexico, and Poland
May 2013
Bits and Pieces
- Wild Morel Season
- Mushrooms Help Women
- River Valley Ranch
- Mushrooms in Manipur
- Bohemian Well Being Farm
- EU Blocks Japanese Mushrooms
- At the Farmers’ Markets
- Injury at Streamside Mushrooms
- Mountaintop Gets $35,000 Grant
- Phillips in the Blogosphere
- Paddy Straw Production Module
Research Notes
- Competition among Tuber melanosporum colonies
- Ganoderma tsugae is good for mice
- Tiger milk mushroom can fight the spread of breast cancer
- Cultivating tiger milk mushrooms
- Coating button mushrooms before drying
- Hybrid mushroom helps immune system
- Coating shiitake
- Safety of UV irradiation
- Prevent yellowing of king oysters
- Selenium in oyster mushrooms
- Oysters on food waste compost
- Morel extract protects liver
- Solar-electric dryer
Patents and Trademarks
Western SARE Grants
Wholesale Market Prices
Chicago, Dallas, Miami, New York, San Francisco, Canada, France, Mexico, and Poland